A new B2B Buyer journey. With Rewix

Digital experiences across multi-experience customer journeys, engaging customers the way they want to be engaged

B2B Digital Experience

Digital customer experience and digital sales channels will become the primary points of differentiation for B2B companies

Today’s customer journeys are no longer linear paths to purchase, and B2B journeys are particularly complex with multiple touchpoints.

Customers expect to move fluidly between all channels available, both online and offline. Tech-savvy consumers can do research on their mobile devices, dial a sales rep to negotiate pricing, make the purchase online and pick up the product in-store.

"Poor customer and employee journey experiences, due to websites and sales tools not working together or supporting each other, leave salespeople at a disadvantage and buyers without confidence in their decisions."


All B2B customers prefer omnichannel

B2B customers want more channels, more convenience, and more personalised experiences, with 20 percent of B2B decision makers willing to spend between $500,000 and $5 million USD on a single remote or self-service transaction.

All B2B customers prefer omnichannel, no matter their industry, country, size, or customer relationship stage.

The new bar for omnichannel excellence is ten or more channels over three engagement modes (in-person, remote, and self-service), delivered 24/7.

Multichannel customers are typically


more profitable than digital-only customers


more profitable than human-only


of B2B leaders believe that customer experience is crucial to their companies’ strategic priorities


B2B customers now regularly use ten or more channels to interact with suppliers

"Customers want an always-on, personalised, omnichannel experience. The world’s best sellers are giving it to them."


ipad: L'esperienza dell'acquirente B2B di Rewix eCommerce

The new B2B Buyer Experience requires an eCommerce eXperience Platform

An eCommerce eXperience platform (EXP) enable the composition, management, delivery and optimisation of contextualised digital ecommerce experiences across multi-experience customer journeys.

An  EXP is part of a digital business ecosystem via API-based integrations with a bunch of technologies such as digital commerce platforms, marketing automation systems, digital asset management (DAM), CRM and others, to support contextualised digital experiences across multi-experience customer journeys.

B2B organizations will use digital Ecommerce eXperience Platforms to support both its customers and sales reps in all sales activities.

Invest in the right thing: Rewix


Rocket your company sales and turn down your operating costs.  With Rewix.